«Switzerland Innovation» features in a new international technology fair

July 19, 2019

The first Nanjing Tech Week took place in the Chinese city of Nanjing at the end of June. Generis was invited to represent «Switzerland Innovation», as a result of its close ties with the municipal authorities in the district of Gaochun.

Nanjing, capital city of the Chinese province of Jiangsu and located close to the metropolis of Shanghai, is a modern and rapidly growing city in the south east of China. The first Nanjing Tech Week was launched in June as a platform for international innovation. The event is set to become a major international gathering of leaders, businesses and the research community dedicated to advanced technology, science and entrepreneurialism and featuring summits, forums, exhibitions and a range of fringe events.

More than 2,000 Chinese and international delegates visited the 5-day event, which was also attended by several Nobel Prize winners, including, Ding Zhaozhong (Physics), Finn E. Kydland (Economics), Richard John Roberts (Medicine).

During the fair, Marco Jaggi, CEO at Generis Beijing and representative of “Switzerland Innovation” in China held discussions regarding potential collaboration with a number of representatives from the business and research communities as well as with politicians. This included talks with Baoqiu Cui, Vice President of tech company Xiaomi Corporation and leading CDU politician and former Senator for Domestic Affairs in Berlin, Frank Henkel. «Switzerland Innovation» also featured in the inauguration of the «T20 Alliance of Innovation Services Agencies». The network aims to promote collaboration in the fields of technology and innovation between Nanjing and international bodies and service providers.