Cleantech Switzerland

Promoting the Swiss Cleantech Sector

Initial Situation

Economic stimulus response to financial crisis

In response to the global financial crisis, the Swiss national government launched 2008 several sector-focussed stimulus measures, targeting sectors without strong, existing sectoral bodies: medtech, engineering and cleantech.

Cleantech Switzerland was the official export platform, initiated by national government, to support Swiss cleantech businesses to increase their exports.

Project Profile

Cleantech companies in the network

CHF Order volume for Swiss Companies


Creating and Leading Export Promotion

Cleantech Switzerland (CTS) – structured as an association under Swiss law and operating internationally – was the official export platform, initiated by national government, for Swiss cleantech companies from 2010 to 2015. Most of these businesses are SMEs with limited financial and personnel resources. Securing entry to new markets such as China or India was impracticable for an SME working alone.

CTS focussed its efforts on establishing contact with project sponsors, investors, government bodies and companies in selected overseas markets. The purpose was to enable Swiss Cleantech businesses to win contracts.


Swiss Expertise Makes World Cleaner

The association was set up and managed by Generis AG, which also led development of the market in China. In India and Brazil, Generis worked with Gherzi and BHP as partners. Numerous projects were implemented successfully. Generis AG worked with industry associations to lead business delegations to target markets and organised networking events in Switzerland and abroad.

Generis AG designed and implemented the “Cleantech Cube” database, detailing the products and services of 400 Swiss companies. Having successfully established the programme, responsibility transferred to the Swiss government’s national marketing agency, S-GE.

Patrick Hofer-Noser

Former President of Cleantech Switzerland

«The positioning of Switzerland as a Cleantech nation increased the attractiveness of Switzerland as an exporter of Cleantech products. CTS offered project-related support in the focus markets and opened the door to the global market for Cleantech companies willing to export.»


Generis Project Team


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