Generis unites sustainable development efforts in Europe and China

March 13, 2019

In mid-February, Generis took part in the International Climate Show in Lausanne, sharing insights into sustainable regional and industrial development. The sessions led by Generis underlined the company’s role as a hub uniting initiatives underway in Europe and in China.

The International Climate Show is a major exhibition focussing on technologies and services in the fields of alternative energy, sustainable construction, ecomobility, and other measures to respond to climate change. Taking place in Lausanne on 13th and 14th February, the event included exhibition space, workshops and forums addressing a wide range of environmental issues.

More than 40 organisations exhibited, including highly-innovative Swiss Cleantech companies as well as sector organisations such as Cleantech Alps, the Swiss Climate Foundation and Climate KIC, an EU-funded initiative to tackle climate change.

Sustainable development is an increasingly important topic in Asia. Generis AG was invited to speak at the Conference due to its expertise and experience in order to highlight a number of aspects of current trends in sustainable development in Asia and to illustrate the opportunities for Swiss businesses, in particular in China. The insights provided by Marco Jaggi, CEO Generis Beijing, were very well received by the expert audience and reinforced the company‘s position as an experienced partner in this arena, bringing together developments in Europe and China. Attendance at the Conference also led to a number of new contacts with sector experts and businesses in the Cleantech sector for Generis, opening up potential new opportunities.